1/2 cup of sugar
A puntico of cinnamon, a puntico of nut moscada
A spoonful of water
1 can of condensed milk
and same quantity of milk (With the empty can of condensed milk,
to measure the same quantity of milk)
8 eggs
and a spoonful of vanilla
begins the sugar and dressings in a pot to heat to half
fire, hazta that begins to make bubbles and to burn as candy. To
not shake, to turn off and to wait that they lower the bubbles a
To cover a mold of metal of medium height with the candy, giving
him carefully turns hazta to cover the whole mold, to wait that
cooled down a little.
Meanwhile, in the licuadora they mix all the other ingredients
(to beat quickly so that doesn't make many bubbles).
spills in the mold and covers with cover or aluminum
puts on for 45 minutes to María bathroom in a pot to the
lowest fire that one can so that it is creamy.
allows to cool down and you desmolda carefully, detaching
the borders with a thin knife and it is turned in a semi-deep
plate so that doesn't spill out the candy.
notices: If they like that it is with holes, simply to put
the highest flame and to beat for more while in the licuadora.
Clara Hernandez (chernand@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca)
1. - a candy is made in the mold to be used ( notices my: a can
of Danish cookies is the mold perfect 19 diameter cm for about
10 cm of high, but or less), with a cup of sugar and four
spoonfuls of water. ( notices my: put the sugar in the mold and
it doesn't move it until all the sugar is gilded) it is gilded
in the fire or burner until this brown one. retires of the
fire or burner and covers the whole bottom of the mold
(the can of Danish cookies) and the lateral ones with that
candy. Leave to a side.
2. - ingredients:
3 pots of condensed milk of 300 ml
8 eggs
1 and half pot of whole milk complete ,o, or homo milk measured
in one of the pots of condensed milk (not you because!, but it
is there where it is measured, if you are not superstitious: -),
it can measure 450 ml of milk)
2 spoonfuls of escencia of vanilla.
3. - everything is beaten adding the eggs one to one together
until it is very blended. ( notices my: this is made with hand
mixer to not very high speed, if the speed is very high the
quesillo is with holes, if the speed is slow the quesillo was
creamy, you decide what he likes,: -)). it Pours the previous
preparation in the can that I caramel two steps ago and cover
it. Cook in maria bathroom in the OVEN for 2 hours to 350 F.
4. - it retires of the oven and allow it to cool. Put it in the
refrigerator, in the can still. Desmolde when it will be served.
This step is not so I criticize, in fact that is necessary for
desmoldarlo it is that this COLD. The desmoldado makes it like
it continues: Once COLD, doesn't have cold taaaan to be, go him
a knife by the whole border between the quesillo and the wall of
the can, this procedure detaches the quesillo and it avoids him
to be destroyed when taking out it. Put a plate in the one it
collides of the can by way of cover and invest the can on the
plate of a single movement and sure!. it Moves the can on their
axis to finish removing the quesillo and serve the can going up
it little by little. ummmmm! Good appetite.
The recipe of quesillo
1 can of evaporated milk (for lack of powdered whole milk, it
should not be used cardboard milk or bottle).
5 eggs.
1 spoonful of vanilla.
1 lined lemon shell.
1 measure of rum
it is completed up
to 5 cups of measure in the licuadora, adding water. Then
throws the rest of the things.
She prepares the candy with 1 white cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of
water, in MED/HI and in metal sump apart from the can of
cookies. When this about to candy spends to the can of cookies
of butter (Danish) giving turns to the thing (they grab the mold
with a cloth, and fly with the candy that the burnt one that
takes place is eneas). When has been formed a good layer
of candy (it has more than enough to - do in the walls) it is
allowed to rest until the scab this already me - gave hard
(if they don't wait and they toss the I liquidate before they
are returned a masacote the candy). Then spills that of
the licuadora in the mold, and enters in the pot of
pressure. In the bottom of the pot it is necessary to place the
cover with holes that comes with her, and to fill with
water until hardly to cover this cover. It is cooked in MED/HI
by 25 min. starting from the point in that the pot grabs
pressure. Past the time, they open the pot how - do
despresurizado is had, they introduce an alambrito (zero bends
sense, per favore) and if when taking out it (to the alambrito)
the question (the alambrito) it leaves without I liquidate hit
(the alambrito without the I liquidate liquefied), the quesillo
this clever one and for the refrigerator for several hours (of
one day for another is better). they don't get scared if the
quesillo at the beginning leaves like with excess of water and I
eat " flocho " that that it hardens in the
refrigerator and the water mixes with the candy. When they
decide to take out the one that - sillo of the refrigerator,
puts him a plate (face down) in the part open of the cover and
they give him quick turn but carefully. They take out the can
carefully, and to enjoy the quesillo it has been said.
Rosana Cisneros (rcisnero@iag.TNO.NL)
1 can of condensed milk
3 eggs
1 cup of milk or pineapple juice
To beat the eggs first (I put everything in the licuadora). to
Add the condensed milk and then the milk or the pineapple juice.
Añadir vanilla and rum to the pleasure.
In a pot to make the candy with poquita dilutes separated and a
lot of sugar. When the candy this clever one is served in the
container, mold or quesillera. It is added the milk shake of the
eggs and milk little by little, for not damaging the candy (or
to make him a hole).
puts on in maria bathroom for 1/2 hour. This clever one
when if is put a fork doesn't stick to the metal
(the same as the cakes). gets off the " vent "
and other 1/2 hour it is expected to take it out of the mold.
Then enters in the refrigerator.
It prescribes for 6-8 portions.
6 eggs are beaten with a can of condensed milk, the same measure
of water and a glass of rum. spills this mixture in a
carameled mold, it covers himself and it is cooked in ba#no of
María during one hour. To allow to cool and desmoldar before
serving it.
To take to the fire a cup of sugar with 1/8 of cup of water.
Allow it to boil (without revolving) until it thickens and put
on marroncito. (If you make it directly in the quesillera or
mold where vertiras the quesillo is better!). to Cover the
bottom and the walls of the mold or quesillera well with the
candy. Vertir the mixture of the quesillo.
Marion Torres (marion@infoline.wtfe.com)
1 can of condensed milk,
4 eggs,
the measure of the can of milk condensed in water with two big
spoonfuls and full with powdered milk and a jet of rum.
A candy is made with 5 spoonfuls of sugar in a can of medium
cookie that is the candy well spread po the can and walls to add
the previous mescla that has been liquefied by a while.
To cover the can with their cover and to put in the oven
preheated at 350 by a while with the water of hot maria. To
place this way the can to the maria bathroom in the oven for one
hour to maximum oven. the quesillo will be clever when when
putting the knife it leaves clean. if it is this way to allow to
cool and to turn in a plate and to maintain in the refrigerator.