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Video Introduction to Venezuela  

Introduction to Amazonas RegionIntroduction to Andes RegionIntroduction to Caribbean Islands RegionIntroduction to Central & Cloud Forest RegionIntroduction to Los Llanos RegionIntroduction to Orinoco River - Delta RegionIntroduction to Gran Sabana Region



A first information on the presence of a fossil rest of mamiTero 

in our country, we owe it to the naturalist German Alexander von Humboldt who 

in their memoirs for 1799 mentions some big femurs that were discovered in 

the Gulch of San Hyacinth near Cumanacoa, Edo. Sucre (Humboldt, 1817). Lúe 

go is the information in a letter of J. M. Vargas written its friend Don Cruz 

Limardo in August of 1838 (according to appointment of A. Ernst, 1874), where she/he mentions hue 

sos of taken out quadrupeds of Barbecues and of San Juan of the Muzzles", both 

of possible mastodons; later on in another letter, it points out the presence of a 

tooth of " Megaterium " among San Juan's bones. To the parecer,es Vargas who 

it begins the first collection of fossil vertebrates in the country; according to Von derOsten 

(1947), this collection was deposited for its study in Ciencias Na's Museum 

turales of Caracas. Equally it was deposited in the same museum the collection that 

A. Ernst joined in 1874 (Von der Osten, op. cit.), of the remains of a Maí.co - 

dón of San Juan of the Muzzles and perhaps of remains of a " Megaterium " encon 

nados in Escuque for Red Arfsiides. 

an important work in paleontology was made by H. Karsien (1850 

and 1886), pointing out a " Megatherium " in the skirts of the Cerro Turimiquire, This 

do Sucre, another in the cercanfás of San Juan of The Muzzles, Estado Guárico, asi' 

as remains of giant mammals near New Town in Paraguaná, State 

Falcon, in the Table of Carora, Estado Lara and in San José of Cúcuta, Republic 

of Colombia. In Barbecues, Estado Lara, Karsten (1850, mentioned by Liddie, 1927) 

she/he mentions the presence of Tox.od.on, Giyp-todon, Atoó-todon and £ (?ooó cfr. andiam. 


Later on a -quite doubtful appointment appears - of some prints of it ties 


ma " Auchenia ", near Trujillo for A. Jahn (1921) in rocks miocénicas." 

The first formal descriptions of fossil mammals in the country give 

of H. Stehiin (1928), for an Astrapotérido 

of the Mioceno, near Chintz, Estado Guárico, of A. Hopwood (1928) 

ra a Toxodóntido  of probable age PUoceno,de Buchiba 

Falcon, of R. Lee Collins (1934) for a Megatérido (PA.epo^^Uíün v 

zii^tanum) of age Mioceno, of Guanare, Portuguese State and of G. G. Simp 

(1947) for a Glyptodóntido ) of age Mioceno, 

Guere, Estado Anzoátegui. 

It is with S. Schaud's works (1935 and 1950) that have the conocir 

detailed cough of age mammals Pleisioceno of Venezuela. This car 

tudiando the material of the Museum of Basle (Switzerland) coming from the Quebrade 

Does it dilute Alive of the totumo, does Estado Lara, describe the type of Mego

and a Toxodon piante. 

Another studied material comes from Hill of Moron near Valera, State 

jillo, where she/he mentions the remains of a probable megatérido and of a

ta town seems to be previous to the Pleistoceno). 

With the Hno. Nectario Maná of the School of The you Leave him Barquisimeto, 

that we have the first investigation works carried out in the country. In 

this religious publishes the work The Big Fossil Mammals of the Regió 

Barquisimeío", where it describes the locations fosihTeros of The Totumo, to the r 

you of San Miguel and the Zanjón of it Dams it, to the north of Barquisimeto. In the one 

mo work describes several groups of mammals like the Toxod shortly < 

Astrapoterio, Notungulados, Mylodon, Glyptodonte, Amblirhiza, Equus and Mast 

teas"; without place to doubts, some of them were identified incorrectly; 

mo the " Astrapoterio ", group that extinguished in the Mioceno and whose remains 

they seemed in the inventory that we made of the collection of The you Leave him in 1 

Later on, the Hno. Nectario Flows it publishes other brief notes (1940, 19 ' 

1944) on the remains of Barquisimeto, describing the informal way. 

Jointly with the Hno. Nectario Marfa, the well-known north paleontologist 

American G. G. Simpson unites to work in the area of Barquisimeto for several 

months, invited by the Technical Service of Geology of the Ministry of Development. 

Simpson published two brief technical notes (1939 to and b) and the material for him 

dug it was partially described by R. Frank they Go (1957) who published an anger 

under of revision on the Toxodontes. The best fossil pieces in Simpson were 

rum deposited in the American Museum Natural of History of New York, mien - 

after that the rest of the -very fragmentary material - it rests in the Museum of Ciencias

Natural of Caracas. 

E. Berry (1939) studying the geology and paleontology of spineless of the one 

Lake of Valencia, elaborates several clever faunales where she/he mentions the presence of 

a varied quantity of mammals. These lists of Berry are of places arqueológi 

eos and in what refers to mammals, the same ones are not very reliable since 

these appear next to forms as a bear frontino , a 

deer of amazon swamp, you vacate (804), horses [Equu ^], 

dogs (CíüU-or) and several common wild species at the present time; Berry doesn't have 

ce any comment in this respect and she/he doesn't say where the ma is deposited 


To conclude the decade of 1940, Von der Osten (1947) it almost gathers roda 

the bibliographical information so far in their work Summary of the Paleon - 

Vertebrate tología of Venezuela", without contributing new study material. A little 

later, S. Schaub (1950) does it publish a work Estado Falcón. Immediately, Von der Osten (1951) it describes even 

you of the megaterio of the School of The you Leave him Barquisimeto, like a new espe 

cié: based on some remains of the area of San Miguel, Estado Lara. 

The last and more important stage of the paleontology of mammals of 

our country owes it to J. it Gnawed and Gómez, in the School of Geology of the 

Central university of Venezuela. In their ten years of work in the country (from 

1951 up to 1961 when she/he dies) she/he stands out as professional initiator of the area, 


Jointly with the Hno. Nectario María, the well-known north paleontologist 

American G. G. Simpson unites to work in the area of Barquisimeto for several 

months, invited by the Technical Service of Geology of the Ministry of Development. 

Simpson published two brief technical notes (1939 to and b) and the material for him 

dug it was partially described by R. Frank they Go (1957) who published a tra 

under of revision on the Toxodontes. The best fossil pieces in Simpson were 

rum deposited in the American Museum Natural of History of New York, mien - 

after that the rest of the -very fragmentary material - it rests in the Museum of A hundred 

Natural Co.s of Caracas. 

E. Berry (1939) studying the geology and paleontology of spineless of the one 

Lake of Valencia, elaborates several clever faunales where she/he mentions the presence of 

a varied quantity of mamiTeros. These lists of Berry are of places arqueotógi 

eos and in what refers to mamiTeros, the same ones are not very reliable since 

these appear next to forms as a bear frontino  a 

deer of amazon swamp , you vacate , horses  and several common wild species at the present time; Berry doesn't have  any comment in this respect and she/he doesn't say where the ma is deposited   

To conclude the decade of 1940, Von der Osten (1947) it almost gathers coda 

the bibliographical information so far in their work Summary of !a Paleon - 

Vertebrate tología of Venezuela", without contributing new study material. A little  

later, S. Schaub (1950) does it publish a work on if on adding new material of the Gulch of Ocando, cer 

ca of Choir, Estado Falcón. Immediately, Von der Osten (1951) it describes even 

you of the megaterio of the School of The you Leave him Barquisimeto, like a new espe 

cié: , being based on some remains of the area of San Miguel, Estado Lara. 

It finishes it and I care more stage of the paleontology of mammals of 

our country owes it to J. it Gnawed and Gómez, in the School of Geology of the 

Central university of Venezuela. In their ten years of work in the pai's (from 

1951 up to 1961 when she/he dies) she/he stands out as professional initiator of the area, 


organizing the collection of fossil vertebrates and contributing with several n 

jos for the area of The Muaco (late Pleistoceno), in the Estado Falcón (195 

and 1960b). 

It is also necessary to point out F. Takacs's work and their it collaborates < 

who worked from the decade of 1960 in the gathering of mammals 

them in the riverbanks of the Lake of Valencia. They have pointed out informalment 

presence of mastodons, megaterios, glyptodomes, cérvidos, toxodóntidos] 

crauquenias, in the Bulletin of the Institute of Anthropology and History of the This 

without date and 3-4, among 1968-1971).   

I care another work of J. it Gnawed and Gómez was the material for him c < 

do in Urumaco (it nawed and Gómez, 1960a), where the mamiteros remains you 

traron associated to those of several groups of reptiles and until fish. The local one 

Urumaco in Falcon norcemral, it has been usually assigned to the age-ma 

continental Huayqueriense, originally considered as of the Plioceno and 

as Mioceno Superior. Of the material collected for it Gnawed and Gómez, the one gives 

Argentinean paleontologist Rosendo Pascual describes a great rodent Dinomyidc 

ñero Euffie-gomí/A in company of M. L. Di'az of Camero (Pascual and Díaz of  

ro, 1969); this fossil rodent is the one that has been good to make the first one to] 

ción to the age Huayqueriense. Of the same material O. Linares (1985, in prep 

it describes a new form of Toxodonte, related to well-known forms or 


It is of pointing out here" that the first expedition paleontological extrai 

Venezuela was carried out during 1972 under the direction of the outstanding palí 

North American go B. Patterson, with personal of the University of Harvai 

quality studied during one month was Urumaco exactly, where you detec 

rivers even payees of vertebrates. Of the material collected by the exti 

tterson, A. Mones (1980) a new rodent Neoepiblémido describes, and several works appear it has more than enough descriptions of you repolish: Ce  and Quelonios. 

It is exactly B.Patterson (1977) who describes the mammal well-known of Venezuela, the Pyroterio PA., of age posible 

you Eoceno, of an isolated town to the northwest of Carora, in the Estado Lara. 

From the death of it Gnawed and Gómez until the end of the decade of 1970 and 

I begin of the current one, the paleontological activities didn't exist in Venezuela, 

at least for the mammals. It is in 1979, with the formation of the laboratory of Pji 

leobiologiá and the restructuring of the Course of Paleontology of Vertebrates in the 

School of Geology of the Central University of Venezuela, for pane of O. J. Li 

nares that the investigations are reactivated in the area. The same Linares (1983) there is 

ce a revision divulgativa of the Fossil Mammals of Venezuela during the you Tweet 

toceno, like part of a project that it directs in the country. Also, with their it is - 

tudiantes of the Course of Human Evolution in the University Simón Bolivar ae has 

cen several exploration campaigns and excavation to the field mostly of the Pleis - 

late toceno, publica'hdose a summary (Linares, 1984) of those that it is a work 

more extensive on the presence of a new registration of the smallest megaterio, , for the region of I will Heal in the Estado Lara. Twice as much I link 

between the colleagues geologist-paleontologists and biologists of the Universidades Simón Bolivar and Central of Venezuela, it has allowed the formation of a group mul now - 

tidisciplinario and the development of investigation projects for the study of those 

fossil vertebrates and in particular, the mammals. 





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