Estuarine dolphin (Sotalia fluviatilis)
It range from the basin of lake Maracaibo and the Gulf of
Venezuela, throughout the coast to Sucre and delta Amacuro, reaching deep inland territory
in the basin of the orincoo and Casiquiare rivers. Condition insufficiently known - minor

Giant river otter (Pteronura
This Giant river otter can be found in low densities in
rivers in Monagas Barinas Amazonas Bolivar, Delta Amacuro and Apure. The combination of
intensive hunting for its pelt and the deforestation of river margins and pollution of
water bodies have reduced its wild population. Condition Vulnerable to extinction.

Spinner Dolphin (Stenella longirostris)
It is distributed along the coast from Falcon to Sucre,
about its status has not been established, it is considered Insufficiently known

Humpbacked whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
They have been reported for the coast of Miranda, Sucre and
Anzoategui and in the islands of La Totuga, Las Aves, and Los testigos. Condition

Torrent duck (Merganetta armata)
Its can be found in Merida to Tachira were between 100 to
1500 individuals are thought to live. The destruction of Andean habitats, and the
intensive hunting are its main threats. Condition Endangered

Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)
In Venezuela they extend north to Falcon and the northeast
of the maracaibo Lake. and also can be found in Bolivar and Amazonas. Their main threats
are cars in highway, and illegal hunting. Condition vulnerable to extinction

Bush dog ( speothos venaticus)
In Venezuela its distribution is discontinuos wich is
probably the reason why it is so scarce at the north of the country. Condition vulnerable

Margay cat (Leopardus wiedii)
In Venezuela its distribution is discontinuos, this small
felid similar to the ocelot can be found in the coastal mountains range. It was the object
of intensive hunting pressure at the present the main threat is habitata destruction.
Condition Vulnerable to extinction.

Rufous brocket deer (Mazama rufina
Its range extends through Tachira, Merida, Trujillo, it is
considered the most threatened species in Venezuela. The rate of conversion of Andean
habitats by humans is alarming wich combined with a severe hunting pressure have resulted
in the reduction of its population. protected by law by 25 years. Condition Vulnerable.

Giant armadillo ( Priodontes maximus)
It is found at extremely low densities along the Coastal
and Andean mountain range, Apure, Barinas, Portuguesa, Lara Yaracauy and south of the
orinoco river in Bolivar and Amazonas. The main threats to its populations are hunting for
commerce and food. Condition Vulnerable to extinction.

Long haired spider monkey (Ateles
belzebuth hybridus)
Is an inhabitant of humid forest in the Maracaibo Lake
basin, Zulia, Tachira and trujillo. The progressiveee destruction of mountain forest is
the main threat to its wild populations. Condition endangered category.

Grey necked night monkey (Aotus
Primate distributed in Venezuela along the Maracaibo lake
basin, and the Andeand mountains of Tachira and trujillo. Hunting pressure is high, as it
is valued as a pet, as a food and a model for biomedical research. Condition minor risk

Spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus)
In Venezuela it is foundin the Andean and Perija mountain
ranges, were around 1.000 individuals. Although bear hunting, and the conversion and
fragmentation of their natural habitat, have been declared Vulnerable to extinction

Orinoco cocodrile (Crocodylus
In Venezuela it ranged throughout the lowlands of the
Orinoco basin. the total population is estimate in 1.500 crocodiles. The main threat is
habitat destrucion, egg poaching and the traffic of newborn crocodiles. Condition
Endangered specie

Silky anteater
The samllest of all known anteater in Venezuela ir is
distributed from the Paria peninsula across Monagas and Delta Amacuro in the humid forest
of Bolivar and Amazonas Population sizes have slighty decreased due to the deforestation
and modification of its habitat. Condition Insufficiently known.